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olsat® Picture classification

In the Olsat PIcture Classification Questions the child is tested on his ability to classify pictures based on their common characteristics, such as size, color, shape, weight, function, quantity, and at the same time find the item that does not belong to the group.


Which picture does not belong with the others?

olsat picture classification

Lions, dogs, tigers, and cats are carnivores. Reindeer are herbivores. The correct answer is E.

Tips for Solving Picture Classification Questions

  • Be sure to review all answer choices before selecting one.

  • Try to use logic and sequential reasoning.

  • Try to identify the recurring elements in each figure.

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The Otis Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT®) is a registered trademark of Pearson Education Inc., which is not affiliated with Nicole Howard and referring to specific test providers are used by Nicole Howard and for nominative purposes only and are the exclusive property of their respective owners.