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olsat® following directions

Following Directions questions assess thechild's skill in listening to and comprehending verbal instructions read aloud by the supervisor and then pairing a description with an image.

This description may involve relationships between numbers, shapes, sizes, adverbs such as "up", "down", "above", "below", "near" etc..., relational concepts such as neither/not.


Which picture shows a grey arrow above a white circle and a black square?

olsat following directions

The correct answer is A. The white circle and the black square are under the grey arrow.

Tips for Solving Following Directions Questions

  • First, listen carefully to the sentence.

  • Practice remembering short sequences of objects in their spatial relationship, gradually increasing the difficulty.

  • Train yourself to visualize images of small objects.

  • Train yourself to use sentences containing ordinal numbers (first, second, third, etc...), sizes, shapes, adverbs of place (above, below,

  • near, far, beside, etc...)

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