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cogat verbal classification

Nicole Howard

Verbal Classification is a part of the Cogat Test's Verbal Battery.

In the "Verbal Classification" section, students are required to classify words into like groups.

They will be given three words that have something in common, and will be asked to identify a fourth word that completes the set.


yellow, green, blue

A nice B brown C hard D new E soft

  • First, identify the relationship between the three words in the first row.

  • What do the words yellow, green and blue have in common?

  • Yellow, green, and blue are all colors.

  • Now, look at the five worlds: nice, brown, hard, new, and soft. Which word goes best with the three words in the top row?

Brown is also a color, so the correct answer is B.

The ability to classify is one of the main characteristics of human beings, and it is essential for survival. To classify means first of all to distinguish, discriminate and then group, identifying common traits. Creating classifications allows humans to relate the external world with their own mental world.

To answer this type of questions correctly:

  • Try to identify the correlation between the three words in the top row.

  • Review all answers before you make a choice.

  • Remove every word in the answers that don’t have any kind of relationship with the three words in the top row.

  • Also, evaluate the possible alternative meanings of the words

Tips for parents

  • An example of a simple game you could play with young children is to use a good amount of " mixed up" material to make a sorting activity that gets the children to put all the mixed up objects in order. Small toys, legos, rulers, and various school objects can be used.

  • Use boxes to store the objects, in order to stimulate classification with different logics: based on shape, color or type of object. This allows reasoning about the properties of objects and the concepts of equal, different, similar.

  • Gradually move from object classification to verbal classification.

You can Download CogAT Practice Test Grade 3 Level 9 Sample Here



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