SkilledChildren                               CONTACT 

"Every Child has, at birth, a greater potential than Leonardo da Vinci ever used."

Glenn Doman



Uncover Your Child's Potential

Nicole Howard

If you are a parent, you should know perfectly that you are the first and most important teacher for your precious child. Therefore, the first and most important step you should take every day is to help your child learn new information, skills and behavioral habits with joy and dedication.Your child's skills will take time to grow and develop and you will be the primary reference model, the main source of inspiration for him.

My name is Nicole! I am a freelance writer/illustrator, with a passion for games and logic tests for children and teens.

On this site, you will find resources, directions, and useful books to help gifted children succeed on the entry tests provided by many American private schools, such as the COGAT Test, the NNAT Test, and the OLSAT Test.

I think each child is a potential genius with an incredible capacity for learning and that parents play a vital role in stimulating their child's mind.

Your child needs a stimulating environment with a variety of fun ways to play and learn. Especially during the first years of life, when the brain is in the process of formation, the careful presence of parents, even if limited to simple play, is absolutely essential to stimulate the developmet of the complex brain network.

As a mother of two wonderful twins, I know very well that there is no such thing as a magical instruction manual to educate our children.

However, some basic rules can help you make the right choices and maintain the right balance as they grow up.

I hope that the following considerations, based on my experience, can be an inspiration for all those parents who, like me, desire the best for their children.

- Children observe the behavior of their parents every day. It is important they see you managing everyday life to the best of your ability. You are not trying to achieve a hypothetical and unreachable perfection; you are teaching them honesty, hard work and, above all, love.

- Learn how to accept your children for who they are.Take time to understand your child's personality and try to respect his or her special qualities.

- If you are really trying to understand your child's potential, the answer lies in allowing children to discover their interests and find those activities that inspire them like no other. From there, children learn the necessary amount of determination and perseverance to grow into exactly what they want to be.

- To educate your child about lifelong achievements and accomplishments, strengthen the idea that, as human beings, we all need to learn from our own mistakes. Failure is a prerequisite for successful growth, and when your child has interiorized this basic life lesson, he or she will quickly recognize that mistakes are an excellent way to advance. In turn, your child will build strength and trust in every single effort.

- Don't forget that talent is not only those gifts that we are naturally born with. To bring out a child's talent it is important to emphasize the importance of perseverance, determination, and perseverance, necessary to develop a skill.

- Often, as parents, we hope that our children will follow our steps, activities, and aspirations. However, we cannot expect our children to be a copy of ourselves. Not only is today's world different from the one we grew up in, but our children have their passions and beliefs.

- The best approach to uncover your children's potential is to let them be your guide. Be open to your child's ideas and explore every possibility of discovering his or her true interests. In this way, your child will be happier and you can be pleased with his or her uniqueness.


My videos

10 Paper Folding Lessons and a collections of brain games videos.


  • Grade 3 Level 9 Form 7

  • Two Full Length Practice Tests

  • 340 Practice Questions

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  • 54 Additional Bonus Questions Online



  • Level 5/6 Form 7

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  • 118 Practice Questions

  • Answer Key

  • Sample Questions for Each Test Area

  • 54 Additional Bonus Questions Online

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